Apprenticeship and professional development:
- Since 2020 acquisition of the OMPT-DVMT® degree in orthopedic manual physiotherapy (qualified 2021) recognized by the International Federation of Manipulative Physical Therapists (IFOMPT)
- Sectoral practitioner physiotherapy – direct access to physiotherapy
- OMPT – DVMT® Advanced training course since October 2016
- Manual Therapist Maitland® Level 3 (IMTA Standard)
- Manual Lymph drainage
- Craniomandibular Osteopathy
- Cranio-Sacral Therapy and visceral techniques
- Morbus Bechterew Instructor
- Nordic-Walking Instructor
Professional experience:
- Chartered Physiotherapist (Bavarian state exam 2008)
- Employed 2 years by the Reha und Gesundheitszentrum in Erding
- Employee working practice in Dorfen
- Employed by the practice for Manual therapy Erding, Birgit Ferber-Busse
- Taking over of the Manuel-Therapie Praxis Erding 2014
- Degree as the orthopedic manual therapist OMPT-DVMT®